A Writer Is Only a Writer

Wednesday, February 27, 2013
A writer is only a writer when she writes. What about the rest of the time? What about when nothing else in the world seems to matter or when the welfare of your children consumes you or you feel like nothing is left to say? What happens when you feel like you've already served your purpose on this planet, but your body refuses to just die, and you are either to big of a coward or or have made promises not to take matters in your own hands?

The common answer is to just sit back and let life happen. Not a good plan. When you let life happen to you, you end up with the throw-away parts of life that no one really wants. You end up with nothing you really want and a lot of what you never expected. And you know what is the worst part? If you are not willing to take control. If you are not willing to be an active participant in your own life, you really have no grounds on which to complain.

Welcome to my world lately.


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